Shell Scripting with Practical Examples

Maha Lakshmi

Shell scripting is a vital tool for automating tasks in Linux and Unix-like systems. It allows you to streamline processes, manage system operations, and boost productivity.

In this blog, I have covered key shell scripting topics with practical examples and clear explanations.

Key Components of Shell Script:

Shebang (#!/bin/bash)

The shebang is the first line in a script and specifies the interpreter that should be used to execute the script.


echo "Hello, World!"

This script uses #!/bin/bash to indicate that the Bash shell should be used to execute the script. The echo command prints "Hello, World!" to the terminal.


Variables in shell scripting are used to store and manipulate data. They can hold values such as strings, integers, and the results of commands.

name="Maha Lakshmi"
echo "Hello, $name!"

The variable name stores the value "Maha Lakshmi," and the echo command uses $name to print "Hello, Maha Lakshmi!".

we have some special variables in shell scripting

  1. `$0` — Script Name: Represents the name of the script being executed.
echo "The script name is: $0"

If the script is named ``, running it would output “The script name is:”.

2. `$#` — Number of Arguments: Represents the number of positional parameters (arguments) passed to the script.

echo "Number of arguments passed: $#"

If you run `./ arg1 arg2`, it will output “Number of arguments passed: 2”.

3. `$@` — All Arguments as Separate Strings: Represents all the arguments passed to the script as separate words.

for arg in "$@"
echo "Argument: $arg"

If you run `./ hello world`, it will output “Argument: hello” and “Argument: world” on separate lines.

4. `$*` — All Arguments as a Single String: Represents all the arguments passed to the script as a single string.

echo "All arguments as a single string: $*"

If you run `./ hello world`, it will output “All arguments as a single string: hello world”.

5. `$?` — Exit Status: Represents the exit status of the last command executed. A value of `0` typically indicates success, while any non-zero value indicates an error.

ls -lsls
echo "Exit status of the last command: $?"

Since ls -lsls` doesn’t exist, the `ls` command will fail, and the script will output “Exit status of the last command: 2” (or another non-zero value). Where exit status 0 indicates success.

6. `$$` — Process ID (PID): Represents the process ID of the current shell script.

echo "The process ID of this script is: $$"

This will print the process ID of the script, which is useful for managing script execution.

7. `$!` — PID of Last Background Command: Represents the process ID of the last command executed in the background.

sleep 30 &
echo "PID of the last background command: $!"

This will print the process ID of the `sleep 30` command running in the background.


Arrays store multiple values in a single variable, allowing you to manage lists of data efficiently in your scripts.

# Define an array
fruits=("Apple" "Banana" "Cherry")

Access array elements
echo "First fruit: ${fruits[0]}"
echo "All fruits: ${fruits[@]}"

Thefruits array contains three elements: "Apple," "Banana," and "Cherry." The${fruits[0]}accesses the first element and${fruits[@]} all elements.

Conditional Statements:

Conditional statements allow you to make decisions in your script based on certain conditions. The if-else statement is commonly used to execute different blocks of code based on the evaluation of a condition.

if [ $num -gt 10 ]; then
echo "Number is greater than 10"
echo "Number is 10 or less."

This script checks if the variable num is greater than 10. If it is, it prints "Number is greater than 10"; otherwise, it prints "Number is 10 or less.".


Loops are used to execute a block of code repeatedly.

for i in {1..5}; do
echo "Iteration $i"

This for loop iterates five times, printing "Iteration 1" to "Iteration 5".


Functions in shell scripting allow you to encapsulate and reuse code blocks. Functions can take arguments and return values, making your scripts more modular and maintainable.

greet() {
echo "Hello, $1!"
greet "Maha"

The greet function takes an argument ($1) and prints a greeting. When called with "Maha", it prints "Hello, Maha!".

User Input:

Shell scripts can interact with users by accepting input during execution using the read command.

echo "Enter your name:"
read name
echo "Hello, $name!"

The script prompts the user to enter their name and then greets them using the echo command.

File Operations:

Shell scripts often involve file manipulation, such as reading from or writing to files. The cat, echo, and > operators are frequently used for these tasks.

echo "Content of file.txt:"
cat file.txt
echo "Lines containing 'error':"
grep 'error' file.txt
echo "Replacing 'old' with 'new' in file.txt:"
sed -i 's/old/new/g' file.txt

This script displays the content of file.txt, searches for lines containing "error," and replaces occurrences of "old" with "new" in the file.

Error Handling:

It’s essential to handle errors gracefully to prevent scripts from failing unexpectedly.

set -e
cp source.txt destination.txt
echo "File copied successfully"

The set -e command makes the script exit immediately if any command fails. If the cp command fails, the script will terminate without running the echo command.

Script Debugging

Debugging helps you identify and fix errors in your scripts.

# Enable debugging
set -x
# Example commands
echo "Debugging mode enabled"
sum=$(($1 + $2))
echo "Sum: $sum"

`set -x` enables debugging, showing each command and its result.

Command Substitution:

Command substitution allows you to capture the output of a command and use it as a variable or within another command.

# Get the current date

Use the date in a message
echo "Today's date is: $current_date"

The $(date) syntax captures the output of the date command.
The captured data is stored in the current_date variable and used in the echo statement.

Benefits of Shell Scripting:

  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort and the potential for human error.
  • Efficiency: Combine multiple commands and processes into a single script to perform complex operations quickly.
  • Flexibility: Easily adapt scripts to handle various scenarios and system configurations.
  • Portability: Scripts written in shell are generally portable across different Linux-like systems, making them useful in diverse environments.


Shell scripting is essential for automating tasks in Linux and Unix-like systems. By understanding key concepts such as variables, special variables, arrays, conditional statements, loops, functions, and file operations, you can create powerful and efficient scripts. Mastering these elements will help you streamline processes, handle errors gracefully, and debug effectively, enhancing your productivity and system management.

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. — Henry David Thoreau

Keep learning!!!✨

Maha Lakshmi
Maha Lakshmi

Written by Maha Lakshmi

I'm Maha Lakshmi. I am passionate about DevOps, cloud computing, and automation. I share insights on Medium and GitHub with hands-on examples and concepts.

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Good afternoon maha lakshmi ,your blogs helps me a lot to gain more knowledge in less time,and these are very easily understandable to me